Bachelor in mathematics

University of Tripoli - Department of Mathematics



The Department of Mathematics offers an integrated study program to obtain a specialized degree (bachelor's), this program is designed to be sequential, coherent and methodologically flexible with the opportunity for the student to choose a set of elective courses to suit his inclinations and goals.


  • Preparing scientifically qualified scientific cadres in the field of mathematics.
  • Spreading the culture of organized scientific research in solving scientific problems and adopting the principle of mathematical thinking and disseminating it widely.
  • Upgrading the level of mathematics graduates and preparing them well to meet the requirements of the labor market. 
  • Develop students' skills in the field of research and applied mathematics and intellectual skills.


     Proficiency in basic concepts in mathematics.

    • Awareness of the importance of all basic requirements for the study of mathematics.

    • The graduate should be able to develop himself to keep pace with modern technical developments in his field of specialization.

    • After the student completes the courses of the mathematics program, the graduate must be able to:

    Certificate Rewarded

    Bachelor of Mathematics.

    Entry Reuirements

    • The student must have a high school diploma. Scientific section or equivalent certificates.
    • The student must have obtained the grade specified in the internal regulations of university studies at the Faculty of Science (currently 65% or above).
    • The student must be a regular resident during the study period and be of good conduct. 
    • To be full-time to study in the college (regular). 
    • The percentage that qualifies him to join the college according to the university reporting system.

    Study Plan

    The Bachelor in mathematics prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in mathematics. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

    It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 134 units, which include 8 units of general subjects, and 95 major units, 8 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

    Study plan for this program is shown below:

    1st Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    ST101 Introduction to statistics 04 Compulsory +

    CS100 Programming Principles 04 General +

    EL.101 English Language 1 02 University requirement +

    English 101 are courses specially designed for students who choose to study at the faculty of Basic Sciences. The principle objectives for both courses is to enable students use English for scientific. They provide students with practice on sentence patterns, structural words as well as non-structural vocabulary which are common to all scientific branches. The material incorporated in these courses intend to give students a good opportunity to read scientific texts, do grammar exercises and work on scientific terminology.

    MA100 Mathematics 1 04 Compulsory +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · Recognize the concepts, terms, principles and laws of Sport1. · Know the functions and their types and apply algebraic operations to them. · Interpret the concept of the end and distinguish between its types and use appropriate theories to solve problems and link them to communication. · Providing the student with the concept of differentiation and using its rules and types to derive functions and using its applications to draw functions.

    MA101 Plan Analytic Geometry 03 Compulsory +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · The student identifies the types of coordinates and converts points from one to the other and represents them as vectors . · Study the geometric object, rotation of axes and their displacement and its effect on points and equations in the plane. · The student shows how to find the equation of a straight line in its different formulas and forms . · The student compares cones with their standard images .

    AR051 Arabic language 1 02 University requirement +

    Highlighting the beauty of the Arabic language and revealing the elements of originality and strength that are full of it, so that students increase their passion and interest in it.Close contact with our literary heritage and make students aware of its originality, diversity and comprehensiveness.Refine students' talents and develop their ability to understand the language, grammar, morphology and correct Arabic writing.Training students to write their scientific research, reports, and notes in correct writing, free of linguistic, stylistic, and spelling errors, and to facilitate the translation of many specialized texts.

    2nd Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    CS111 Structured Programming 1 04 General CS100 +

    ST102 An Introduction to Probability 04 Compulsory ST101 +

    This course aims to broaden the student's perceptions of the distinction between probability distributions and their applications. Study the terms and concepts related to special probability distributions. Recognize the concept of confidence intervals for mean and ratio and use them for a sample or for the difference between two samples. Identify hypothesis tests for the mean and ratio and use them, whether for one sample or for the difference between two samples.

    MA102 Calculus and Analysis principle 2 04 Compulsory MA101 +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: The student should be familiar with the concept of finite integration, its properties and the basic theorems for its calculation. The student should discuss the concept of unlimited integration and distinguish the different methods for his account. The student demonstrates the use of integration applications. The student interprets the meaning of defective integrals.

    MA103 Solid Analytic Geometry 03 Compulsory MA102 +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · The student interprets vectors and connects them to points in Cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates. · The student recognizes the equations of the line and imagine the solids such as the ball, cylinder and others and find their equations with drawing. · It recognizes the quadratic shape in three variables and reduces it to legal forms.

    3rd Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    MA203 Statics 03 Compulsory MA104 +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · Study forces in three dimensions and represent them as vectors .· Recognize the resultant couple moment and set the center of the masses. · Study the equilibrium of particles, moments, the principle of work and their applications.

    MA205 Advanced Calculus and Analysis Principle 04 Compulsory MA104 +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · The student recognizes functions in more than one variable and their properties. · Discusses the differentiation of functions in more than one variable and its applications. · The student demonstrates the properties of binary and triple integration in different coordinates. · The student explains the convergence and divergence of series.

    MA204 Fundamental of mathematics 03 Compulsory +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · The student discusses the different ways to prove logical problems and logical statements. · Used on the rules of inference and methods of mathematical proof. · The student demonstrates the difference between relationships and functions and recognizes countable and non-countable groups. · Creative thinking and problem-solving methods are used to prove the proofs of ordered set theorems.

    MA202 Linear Algebra 1 03 Compulsory +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · The student discusses directional spaces and related abstract concepts. · The student is introduced to the algebraic concepts and terms of matrices and determinants and uses creative thinking and problem-solving methods to prove the proofs of linear transformations. · Identify the systems of linear equations and their applications. · Recognize the basis and dimension of directional spaces.

    AR052 02 University requirement AR051 +

    Accustom the student to sound and clear expressions of his ideas in pronunciation and writing and the good use of punctuation marks. Developing the student's literary taste so that he realizes the aesthetic aspects of speech styles, meanings and images Identify the beauty of the Arabic language and literature, and that the student acquires the ability to study the branches of the Arabic language. Developing the ability and skill of the spelling and writing bite mines so that they can write correctly in all respects

    4th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    MA207 Dynamics 03 Compulsory MA201 +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · The representation of motion is interpreted in a single, two, triple dimension . · Creative thinking and problem-solving methods are used to prove Newton's laws. · Understand the concept of work, power and movement of rigid objects.

    MA208 Linear Algebra 2 03 Compulsory MA200 +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · The student is introduced to linear transformations, the space of internal multiplication. · The student discusses the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix. · The student understands the algebraic formulas and Kelly Hamilton's theorem and their applications. · Recognize basic concepts in internal multiplication spaces.

    MA209 Ordinary Differential Equation 1 03 Compulsory MA203 +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · Recognize the basic concepts of an ordinary differential equation. · The student learns methods of solving equations of the first order and the problem of the initial value and ensuring the existence of the solution or not in certain circumstances. · The student acquires the ability to solve linear differential equations. · The student uses Laplace transformations to solve linear equations.

    MA210 Vector Analysis and Geometry 03 Compulsory MA103 +

    MA211 Real Analysis 1 03 Compulsory MA202 +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · The student recognizes the properties of real numbers. · The student describes the real numbers topology and recognizes the convergence of sequences. · The student discusses the different ways to prove continuous function theorems regularly.

    ST201 Mathematical Statistics 1 03 Compulsory +

    EL102 English language 2 02 University requirement +

    English are courses specially designed for students who choose to study at the faculty of Basic Sciences. The principle objectives for both courses is to enable students use English for scientific. They provide students with practice on sentence patterns, structural words as well as non-structural vocabulary which are common to all scientific branches. The material incorporated in these courses intend to give students a good opportunity to read scientific texts, do grammar exercises and work on scientific terminology.

    5th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    ST202 Probability Theory 03 Compulsory ST201 +

    MA305 Analytical Mechanics 03 Compulsory MA204 +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · The student is introduced to periodic coordinates, Ruth equations, legal transformations · The student is introduced to the work, momentum and kinetic energy of the mechanical system. · Study of integrated cases of rigid body motion, general coordinates, uses of Lagrange equations and Hamilton equations.

    MA301 Complex Analysis 1 03 Compulsory MA203 +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · The student learns how to deal with complex numbers. · The student recognizes the limits, continuity, and differentiation of functions in the complex variable. · The student discusses the concepts of analytic, holomorphic and harmonic functions and their properties. · The student is introduced to non-algebraic and algebraic functions.

    MA302 Abstract Algebra 1 03 Compulsory MA203 +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · The student should recognize the concept of (group) as one of the basic algebraic structures. · The student should distinguish between groups that are retroactively and non-retroactively isomorphic. · The student should explain the characteristics of direct multiplication in groups. · To familiarize the student with the properties of some types of ordinary partial groups and exchange groups.

    MA303 Real Analysis 2 03 Compulsory MA208 +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · Identify the basic concepts of differentiation and continuity of real functions and derivatives of higher order and their applications. · Identify the basic concepts of integration of real functions and their theorems. · The student discusses uniform convergence, continuity, uniform convergence, differentiability, and complementarity.

    MA304 Ordinary Differential Equations 2 03 Compulsory MA200 +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · Identify the basic concepts of the system of ordinary differential equations and ways to solve them. · Acquire the ability to solve patterns of ordinary differential equations using series. · use series to solve the equation of Lander, Bissel, and Hermite.

    6th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    MA306 Tensors 02 Compulsory MA200 +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: Expanding the student's perceptions and increasing the ability to imagine by converting coordinates and effects and their usefulness In physics and in the formulation of physical laws. · The student should know the differentiation associated with the variance and the differential corresponding to the variance of the vectors. · To accommodate the intrinsic derivatives of compounds corresponding to heterogeneity and their applications.

    MA310 Numerical Analysis 03 Compulsory CS111 +

    MA309 Abstract Algebra 2 03 Compulsory MA205 +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · Identify the concept of (ring) as one of the basic algebraic structures. · Identify the correct region and the domain based on the correct area. · Identify ideals and their types, isomorphisms and limits in rings and their theorems.

    MA308 Complex Analysis 2 03 Compulsory MA301 +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · Identify the concepts of complex integration, Cauchy integration, analytic function and their properties. · represent complex functions with the Tayler and Laurent series,. · Calculate many integrals using sediment theorems.

    MA307 Partial Differential Equations 03 Compulsory MA207 +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · Identify the basic concepts of partial differential equation and methods of solving semilinear partial differential equations. · Using the Sharpe Method and the Cauchy Problem to Solve Partial Differential Equations. · Identify the legal form of partial differential equations of the second order (minus - equivalent - hyperbolic). · The use of partial differential equations in heat, wave, no place and the problem of initial and limit values.

    7th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    MA401 Topology 03 Compulsory MA303 +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · Recognize the initial concepts of topological spaces. · Students demonstrate relationships between spaces using function links . · The student's ability to understand the concepts of stacking and interconnection of spaces.

    MA402 Fluid Mechanics 03 Compulsory +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · Identify the concepts, terms and laws of fluids that exist in nature (solids, liquids, gases) · Introduce the student to the movement of viscous and non-viscous fluids · Applying the mathematical concept in solving models related to flow and its types.

    MA403 Integral Equation and Transformations 03 Compulsory MA205 +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · The student is introduced to the concepts of integral equations, Fred Holm and Volterra equations, and the problem of initial and boundary values. · The student discusses integral equations with different types of nuclei. · The student demonstrates the solution of homogeneous integral equations and nonlinear integral equations and their applications.

    MA404 Linear Programming 03 Compulsory CS111 +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · The student is introduced to the formulation of mathematical models for production . · The student is introduced to the components of linear programming problems, their properties, the simple method of solving and the fields of applications to them. · The student demonstrates the analysis of sensitivity in linear programming problems and their applications.

    MA412 Coding Theory 03 Compulsory +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · Familiarize yourself with the mathematical concepts of the theory of encoding and coding. · Discusses the theoretical concept of error correction codes using the approach of primary enumeration, linear algebra, and finite fields . · Discusses theoretical concepts, computational problems, and applications of coding theory.

    8th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    MA405 Applied number theory 03 Compulsory +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · The student is introduced to mathematical principles, theorems, the principle of good order of numbers, and also to learn about polygonal and pyramidal numbers and Catalan numbers. · The student uses the division algorithm, its theorems, the greatest common divisor, its theorems and their applications. · The student analyzes linear matches and some non-linear matches and their applications in other sciences.

    MA407 Mathematical Methods 03 Compulsory MA307 +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · Recognize the importance of the Fourier series and the convergence, integration and Fourier transformation in applied mathematics. · The student gets to know some important integrative transformations. · Study of special functions and their generating functions and properties. · Using the main applied methods to solve partial differential equations.

    MA421 Matlab 03 Compulsory MA310 +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · Introducing the importance of the Matlab program, its characteristics and advantages, and developing the student's skill in creating drawings in the binary dimension. · Developing the student's skill in writing M-file files and in using the Matlab program in many branches of mathematics and its applications and creating drawings in the triple dimension.

    MA423 Functional analysis 03 Compulsory +

    · Introducing the student to linear, metric and organizational spaces and clarifying the use of linear transformations and some applications. · Introduce the student to the spaces of internal multiplication and spaces of Hilbert and their theories.

    MA499 project 03 Compulsory +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · Enable the student to choose a topic in one of the fields of theoretical and applied mathematical sciences. · Develop independent study skills and defend what he collects and writes during discussion. · Developing the style of scientific writing and its presentation techniques, self-reliance and acquiring the ability to deal with advanced topics (somewhat) through self-study and supervision of the project from a faculty member from the internal regulations governing the project.