Department of Dental Technology

Word Of the Head Department of Dental Technology

We are all pleased to introduce ourselves to you and provide a brief overview of the Department of Dental Technology via the College of Medical Technology's website in the hopes that you will kindly review via the University of Tripoli's website.

I speak for myself and my distinguished colleagues, as well as the members of the faculty, cadres, and technicians.

Since the college's founding, the Department of Dental Technology has been among the scientific and fundamental departments, making it one of the core departments of the College of Medical Technology.

When the first class of graduates graduated in the academic year 1991/1992, the Department of Dental Technology had already been formed during the academic year 1989/1990 AD.

According to World Health Organization indicators, the department of modern auxiliary medical dental technology is an important and supportive component of the field of dentistry and provides medical services for the rapidly expanding population,

the prosperity of oral and dental diseases, and the widespread spread of those diseases. 

The relationship was very successful and beneficial because it was a semi permanent partnership with the School of Dentistry at AlWasat University in Monastir, Tunisia.

This page's objective is to help faculty members of the Department of Global Tourism with their research. 

And the teeth in the community and the reduction of the proportions of diseases and diseases that they suffer from, which may result from the entire specialty of dental technology, in order to improve the functions by prosthetic 

dental replacement to make up for what may cause that different diseases or diseases or diseases or diseases or diseases


The goal of the Department of Dental Technology at the College of Medical Technology is to lead and achieve academic excellence among Libyan universities.


preparation, rehabilitation, and medical sciences


1. Graduates with the skills necessary to compete on the dental technology job market.

2. Increasing the department's performance effectiveness so that services can be provided using the most cutting-edge digital tools.

3. Contribute to initiatives and plans at the national level by taking on a significant role in community service in the area of dental technology development.

4. A setting that encourages ongoing inquiry in the sciences.

5. Develop staff members' abilities so they may stay current in their specialties and advance in them..

 6. Supporting the idea of professional work ethics for the healthcare industry, strengthening national loyalty, and upholding society's guiding principles and lofty human values.

Organizational Structure for Department of Dental Technology

Facts about Department of Dental Technology

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff



