Department of Social Work

Word Of the Head Department of Social Work

Through scientific programs for undergraduate and postgraduate levels, we seek scientific competition to achieve the objectives of the faculty and university. To serve the community, and enhance scientific knowledge with studies and research that contribute to finding appropriate solutions to societal issues. This is done by communicating with research centers, preparing workshops, scientific conferences and seminars. Also contribute to training programs inside and outside the university. Working on the development and modernization of scientific programs to keep pace with local and international developments


Achieving leadership and excellence in educational programs and scientific research in the fields of social work, community service and the environmental issues.


The mission of the department is focused on preparing qualified specialists in the field of social work equipped with modern professional knowledge, skills and experiences represented in information transactions, critical thinking, teamwork skills, research and communication skills and their application in social work, as well as working to develop and contribute to the dissemination of social knowledge and provide consultations, training and social services to the Libyan society and its institutions.


This department aims to prepare social workers in the fields of social work and social welfare, by providing them with theoretical knowledge and applied experiences that enable them to contribute to the development and implementation of social policies and programs in cooperation with state agencies and institutions..

Preparing social workers to work in various fields of care represented in the educational, medical, urban and family fields, childhood, environment, correction and rehabilitation institutions, youth and the elderly, care and rehabilitation of the disabled, and care for juvenile delinquents.

Translating and publishing and encouraging the authorship movement to serve and enrich the knowledge related to the interest of the department and its scientific fields.

Carrying out research and social studies aimed at understanding the Libyan reality and the social problems facing it and providing the necessary solutions and proposals to solve those problems.

Contribute to raising the efficiency and rehabilitation of social workers by providing training courses in the fields of social care for various social, educational, correctional, health and other institutions related to the specialization of social work



Scientific integrity and honesty.

 Transparency and credibility

Cooperation and work in a spirit of teamwork


Follow-up and supervision of disciplines programs at  undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Organizational Structure for Department of Social Work

Facts about Department of Social Work

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff



