Bachelor in Russian Language

University of Tripoli - Department of Afroasian Languages



Teaching the Russian language to undergraduate students enhances the development of students' skills in the language, including step-by-step instructions, exercises, discussions, and activities to make the learning process flexible and enjoyable to enable students to improve their Russian language, understand grammar, and apply it while speaking.


  • Organizing scientific conferences and seminars.
  • Building bridges of communication with African peoples.
  • Providing advisory services to public and private entities.
  • Providing ministries, public and private bodies and institutions with language expertise
  • Preparing books, evaluating and reviewing them, and doing research and translation studies.


Learn the real language skills needed to deal with life situations, as well as develop their Russian language skills, train them, and encourage them to fully read, write, and speak.

Certificate Rewarded

  • Bachelor's degree in Russian language

Entry Reuirements

  • The student must have obtained a high school diploma or its equivalent.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Russian Language prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Russian Language. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 122 units, which include 18 units of general subjects, and 104 major units

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AR RU 100 Arabic Language 1 02 General +

The Arabic Language 1 subject is considered a general introduction to Arabic science. It presents a number of its original topics, starting with the importance and characteristics of the Arabic language, passing through grammar, parsing, spelling, and report writing.

RU 101 Grammar 1 04 Compulsory +

This course provides the student with the rules of the target language and its basic structures through the use of a methodology that focuses on the functional communicative dimension in accordance with the prescribed curriculum, so that the student becomes familiar with the structure of a simple sentence and the arrangement of its components, with a focus on the noun and the verb. The student should study: the noun and its types, the nominative case, demonstrative nouns, prepositions, adverbs, and numbers. The student should study the types of simple sentences and their elements, whether nominal or verbal, and how to use them. The student also studies the grammatical cases (nominative, genitive, object, subjunctive, and dative) and their various uses.

RU 102 Composition 1 02 Compulsory +

This course aims to train the student on punctuation marks. The student also learns to write simple sentences that address specific topics from the reality of daily life. Emphasis is placed on arranging sentence vocabulary according to the target language’s acquisitions, especially the proper use of vocabulary, grammar, and grammatical and morphological linguistic structures. The course also aims to train students on paragraph writing and the use of linking tools between sentences and paragraphs in descriptive and narrative text in the past and present tense.

RU 103 Oral expression 1 02 Compulsory +

This course aims to give students the ability to listen correctly, remember, and speak the correct and simple language as they heard it. So that the extent of students’ understanding of this audio material is verified and they are given the ability to speak properly, as well as providing students with the skill of hearing and understanding recorded materials (audio-visual) in the form of regular texts, revolving around various life topics, and also training students to speak them and distinguish between sounds. Linguistic language for which there is no equivalent in Arabic, and identifying the positions of stress in some passages of speech. Students are also trained in the principles of dialogue and oral narration. This course also aims to develop their abilities to apply what they have studied in grammar.

RU 104 Dictation 1 02 Compulsory +

This course aims to focus on developing the skill of dictation and helping to identify the problems of hearing and sight, the inability to distinguish between similar sounds, and the weakness in reading. with adequate training. It pushes the students to participate in correcting mistakes, gradually dictating the piece, getting used to the correct pronunciation of letters and endings, choosing short spelling passages from those texts presented in grammar and reading, and avoiding mistakes in practice and spelling applications.

RU 105 Laboratory (Principles of Phonetics) 1 02 Compulsory +

The course deals with phonetics, the different types of sounds in the Russian language, which occur in the way some letters are pronounced, and the reasons that lead to such differences. Care is taken to present the material through audio-visual means, so that the student receives the letter, word, and sentence from native speakers whose mother tongue is Russian.

RU 106 Reading 1 02 Compulsory +

The course aims to train students to read correctly and develop their vocabulary and linguistic structures, by focusing on reading simple sentences and understanding their meanings, and on distinguishing the parts of the sentence and its components with the correct pronunciation of the vocabulary and sounds. Students are instructed to adhere to pausals and hyphens as indicated by punctuation marks, and they are trained to distinguish between letters, phonemes, and words, with an emphasis on the semantic and grammatical meanings of vocabulary. Students are ensured that they understand these meanings and understand the text as an integrated whole through exercises and exercises.

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
RU 122 Composition 2 02 Compulsory +

This course aims to enable the student to write words correctly in terms of spelling, letter control, and punctuation. It also aims to enable the student to write a correct sentence in terms of grammar and choice of words in order to express different contents based on the topics presented in the educational book. It also aims to introduce the student to the elements of text in the Russian language and some other forms of writing that he did not study at the first level, along with training in this according to the topics of the book.

RU 126 Reading 2 02 Compulsory +

The course aims to consolidate the skills related to reading and comprehension that the student has studied in the (Reading 1) course and develop his ability to trace the details contained in the text. And get to know its structure to identify the main ideas and try to reach the conclusion of what the writer of the text is aiming for.

RU 125 Laboratory (Principles of Phonetics) 1 02 Compulsory +

The language laboratory provides assistance to train the student in good, conscious listening, as he can repeat listening to a word as many times as he likes. In the laboratory, the student is away from hearing what other students pronounce, so their mistakes do not affect the correctness of his pronunciation. Using the programmed teaching method, which allows each student to work according to his ability and at his own speed, the student in this class listens to the lesson recorded on the tape as many times as is sufficient for him, then walks at a speed that suits his abilities and performs his exercises while being safe from the embarrassment to which he is exposed.

RU 124 Dictation 2 02 Compulsory +

The course aims to practice different types of dictation, which are appropriate for the foundation stage, such as:Transmitted dictation, where students transfer the piece from the book or from the blackboard after reading and understanding it, and spell some of its words orally.Visual dictation: The piece is presented to the students to read and understand, and some of its words are spelled, then it is hidden from them, and it is dictated to them after that.Audio dictation, where students listen to the piece, and after discussing its meaning and spelling of its words, or words similar to the whole in it.Test dictation aims to estimate and measure the student’s ability and progress. This is why the piece is dictated to them after they understand it, without any help in spelling.

RU 123 Oral expression 2 02 Compulsory +

In this course, the student learns about the correct pronunciation of the language through its original sources. It recognizes spoken vocal elements. This is in addition to introducing the student to the most important problems that may prevent him from understanding some vocabulary and expressions by listening. Providing the student with speaking skills through various activities and exercises.

RU 121 Grammar 2 04 Compulsory +

The course aims to increase the student's knowledge of the target language's rules and structures. The student is trained to use them in studying simple sentences and their various elements such as interrogative pronouns and others, adjectives of all kinds, ordinal numbers, intransitive and transitive infinitives, and derivatives, whether noun or verb derivatives. The student also learns about the sections of the nominal sentence, the cases of noun conjugation, the verb forms in the sentence, comparative tools, superlative forms, and verbs of all kinds. The student also expands on the study of tenses, and all of these elements are studied in accordance with the functional communicative objectives of each study unit.

AR RU 200 Arabic Language 2 02 General +

This course is concerned with teaching students the correct structure of Arabic sentences, developing students’ linguistic skills i.e. morphological, grammatical, written, text processing, clarifying sentences and sound linguistic structures according to the rules of the Arabic language, and preserving students’ tongues and pens from making mistakes.

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AR RU 300 Arabic Language 3 02 General +

This course is concerned with developing the student's linguistic skills, including grammar, morphology, and spelling, and applying them to Quranic and poetic texts.

RU 201 Grammar 3 04 Compulsory +

The course aims to delve deeper into the study of Russian language grammar by studying and analyzing compound sentences and studying different linguistic forms such as: direct and indirect style, and the passive voice. The student also practices how to use these elements in complex and diverse sentences in coherent texts. All these elements are studied according to the functional communicative objectives of each unit.

RU 202 Composition 3 02 Compulsory +

The course aims to train students to write several paragraphs using different text styles, including narrative, descriptive, indicative, and others, in addition to providing them with the ability to apply the proper methodology in writing in the Russian language, and accustoming them to accuracy in organizing their thoughts in order to produce an integrated, coherent text with a logical structure based on harmony. Between the elements of the topic, especially the relationship between the main idea and the sub-ideas, according to the requirements of the text under study.

RU 203 Oral expression 3 02 Compulsory +

The course aims to develop the student’s abilities to listen and speak a sound language, especially from the morphological, grammatical, and semantic aspects, and to develop the students’ abilities for dialogue and discussion. Students continue to be trained in listening well and in speaking methods and structure, taking into account the elements of different communicative situations, including people, place, and topic. The appropriate vocabulary and tone of voice are chosen for each situation. Students practice listening to conversations and then improvising them in front of the listeners so that they reflect their ability to manage the discussion and observe the etiquette of speaking.

RU 204 Dictation 3 02 Compulsory +

In the third semester, we work on the same applications as in the second semester, but our goal is to consolidate the spelling material in the students’ minds by following methods, including visual memorization: when they are given the opportunity to see the material written in front of them, this helps them remember its form when writing. Auditory memorization: Listening to the correct pronunciation of the words included in the dictation material leads to remembering their form. Pronunciation recall: When students have the opportunity to read orthographic material, this helps them remember to draw it when writing it. Motor memory: Practicing writing spelling material before it is dictated will lead to mastery.

RU 205 Laboratory (Principles of Phonetics) 3 02 Compulsory +

In this course, the use of educational media such as television and receiving Russian-speaking broadcast stations is expanded upon. Assigning students to write about the current topic, and paying attention to directing students to using computers and the services provided by social media in the field of language education.

RU 206 Reading 3 02 Compulsory +

The course aims to train the student in in-depth reading, and to give him the ability to analyze linguistic texts in their various fields, such as literary, scientific, and other texts, and their diverse styles, such as descriptive, narrative, declarative, and others. Students are trained to understand the general meaning of the topic, deduce the basic themes of the text, understand how to connect its parts, and discover the meanings of vocabulary through context. The topic is also discussed in its parts and basic themes to ensure that students understand the content of the material being presented for reading.

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
RU 223 Oral expression 4 02 Compulsory +

This course aims to enhance and crystallize oral expression skills due to their importance in arranging and communicating ideas in speech, such as the skill in formulating the beginning and conclusion well, the ability to seek the best evidence, and select evidence, to confirm an opinion or support a point of view, and the ability to respond to the feelings of listeners and use the appropriate logical approach in presenting introductions. Drawing conclusions, and the ability to properly comment on any speaker or commentator, as well as training in summarizing after listening to the topic, and developing special abilities such as the linguistic aspect by using words appropriate to the context or expressing words with specific meanings and correct sentences in their structure, or using various patterns of sentences from those that express Meaning: Rhetorical images are used to serve meaning. In the vocal aspect, speaking in a clear voice with self-confidence and without confusion, using an appropriate pitch and at the appropriate speed, taking into account the areas of separation and connection, and using appropriate gestures.

RU 225 Laboratory (Principles of Phonetics) 1 02 Compulsory +

In this course, the use of educational media such as television and receiving Russian-speaking broadcast stations is expanded upon. Assigning students to write about the current topic, and paying attention to directing students to using computers and the services provided by social media in the field of language education.

RU 226 Reading 4 02 Compulsory +

The curriculum in this course aims to expand and intensify the scope of the texts covered, through which the student is helped to understand in detail what he reads, improve his covert and aloud reading skill in terms of correct pronunciation of sounds and words, and increase the rate of speed in providing a sound and expressive vocal performance that helps him in deducing meaning and recognizing... Book styles and types of texts, which qualifies him to benefit from various scientific and specialized materials that will be needed in the future in his field of study and work.

RU 224 Dictation 4 02 Compulsory +

This subject aims to emphasize the necessity of proficiency in dictation in the Russian language for the student, and to eliminate all causes of spelling errors by intensifying the various spelling applications and pushing the student to familiarize himself, increase his experience, and recognize the weak points of his level, such as lack of regularity in spelling practice, or the shallowness of his intelligence, or His thought wanders, or he does not listen carefully when the chosen texts are dictated to him, or as a result of his hesitation, fear, and confusion, and help him overcome all of that. On the other hand, guiding the student to the characteristics of the Russian language itself. For various applications, texts are used that are higher than the students’ level in terms of concept and style, and contain many difficult words. In its shape and spelling rules, and the difference in the form of a letter depending on its position in the word, or as a result of dots, or separating and connecting letters, and so on. Changing the speed of pronunciation, voice, and using texts related to scientific material as a preparation for the student to deal with the specialized materials in the fifth semester.

RU 221 Grammar 4 04 Compulsory +

The course aims to delve deeper into the grammar of the Russian language. All grammatical information that the student has studied in previous courses is confirmed, and it is ensured that the student masters it and does not make mistakes when using it. Some difficult grammatical aspects of the Russian language are delved into more detail.

AR RU 400 Arabic Language 4 02 Compulsory +

Arabic language is one of the most important linguistic subjects because it is our tongue, and whoever is not fluent in its language has no language. Therefore, the Arabic language is considered the fourth level as a complement to the course of an integrated curriculum. This subject is concerned with developing the student’s linguistic skills, especially grammatical, through the application of some Quranic and poetic texts

RU 222 Composition 4 02 Compulsory +

The curriculum aims to enhance various written expression skills, such as accuracy in placing punctuation marks, headings, and margins, and training in the quality of the introduction and good conclusion, as well as choosing the appropriate word for the sentence and making a good connection between sentences and their arrangement. Sensing the student's awareness of the idea expressed by the sentence by understanding the meanings of the sentences, guiding the student to sense the appropriateness of the speech to the position, mastering the skill of connecting tools, and the skill of identifying the main and secondary ideas. It helped him organize and sequence ideas. Focus on the correct spelling of writing, the clarity and beauty of the handwriting, avoiding grammatical and morphological errors, avoiding colloquial words in writing, and learning about writing methods. The fourth chapter also aims to push the student to be precise, clear, organized, accurate in citations, and correctly used, and to rely on evidence and examples when presenting thought.

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ICI RU 100 Islamic culture 02 General +

The Islamic culture subject is concerned with the spiritual aspect of the student, as it instills and deepens the correct concepts of the sound and moderate Islamic religion by defining it: revelation - and the definition of the Qur’an - and the etiquette of recitation - and the types of revelation - and the revelations of the Qur’an, in addition to the Sunnah and its definition - and clarifying the types of Sunnah, and its relationship to the Qur’an, with a focus on The concept of faith and Islam - the truth of faith - the pillars of faith, the increase and decrease of faith - the truth of Islam - the rules of Islam, warning against extremism in religion - repulsing extremism - and clarifying the types of extremism, then clarifying the aspect of worship and what it entails of purity and its rulings, pure and impure objects, ablution and washing. And tayammum, and the rulings related to them, and prayer and its rulings, its importance, and the ruling on one who abandons it, then he mentioned aspects of his biography, represented by mentioning his lineage, peace and blessings of God be upon him, and examples of his biography and imitating his morals.

RU 301 Grammatical Structures 1 04 Compulsory +

In this course, the student learns about Russian grammar, its divisions, and rules, as well as phrases and sentences and their types, how to deal with sentences, ways to classify sentences, the changes they take, differences between sentences, and the structural semantics of sentences.

RU 302 Literary Readings 02 Compulsory +

The course aims to introduce literary production by presenting attractive literary models in the field of teaching the contemporary Russian language. The presented scientific material sheds more light on the role of the language of literature in representing cultures, its role in interaction between people of different cultures, the possibility of benefiting from it in productive linguistic communication used in creative work, and research into the extent to which society’s culture is reflected in that creative work. Through readings, we enhance the student’s four linguistic skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing, and his awareness of the linguistic elements between the living text and the contemporary language in use.

RU 303 Translation Principles 02 Compulsory +

This course aims to introduce the student to the meaning of translation, its types and doctrines, and also to introduce him to the types of texts, their characteristics, and methods of analysis. To understand the meaning as a first step to translation. The course also includes introducing the student to desktop and technical translation tools. The course discusses the translator's qualifications, his linguistic and professional preparation, his freedom in translation, and his professional and ethical responsibilities. The course also discusses the criteria for judging and evaluating the accuracy of translation. The course also recognizes the importance and role of translation in developing the Arab world scientifically and culturally and its role in cultural communication between nations. The course also introduces the student to Arabic language academies, translation and Arabization institutions in the Arab world, and banks of Arabic and international terminology and their role in supporting translation and unifying the translated or Arabized term. The course also discusses machine translation and its future in helping the translator.

RU 304 Text analysis 1 02 Compulsory +

The course aims to develop the student’s abilities to deal with various texts that express topics belonging to different styles, especially dialectical ones, to stimulate his spirit of analysis and criticism, using his knowledge, grammatical ability, and vocabulary repertoire. The student also trains on the types of essay texts, reports, letters of all kinds, formal and informal, and critical texts. Using the texts of books and articles by using available means of communication, in order to maintain diversity in the inclusion of material in the texts presented.

RU 305 History and culture of the Russian language 02 Compulsory +

The course aims to deepen students' understanding of the culture of the Russian language that the student is studying through analyzing texts that carry cultural contents and terms related to civilizational and cultural values. The course also aims to provide the student with working methods that can be applied when translating some of the complex aspects resulting from the influence of culture in the Russian language. Students study expressive cultural terms, including popular proverbs, and new phrases and words used in the language according to the field and context, such as common terminological changes and clarification. Its backgrounds. The course includes an analysis of the gestural dimensions in foreign culture, such as: gestures and their meanings, the meanings of various physical movements, and the meaning of cultural symbols.

RU 306 Methods 1 02 Compulsory +

This course covers the study of different Russian language styles, including the scientific style, the formal practical style, the conversational style, and the informational style. It aims to introduce the student to general information about the characteristics of the different styles of the Russian language.

RU 307 Linguistics 1 02 Compulsory +

The course aims to introduce the student to the nature of language and the necessary issues related to language as the most important human communicative activity. Explaining the relationship between language and the rules of linguistic research, determining research methods in linguistic phenomena, and identifying the areas of research in linguistics and its levels, which leads the student to know the detailed components of the linguistic map, the location of each of them separately, and their relationship to the other. The course also aims to provide the student with a more accurate and more aware understanding of linguistic texts after applying the linguistic approach to them in dealing with them, which benefits accurate understanding and translation between the Arabic and target languages.

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
RU 323 Translation 2 02 Compulsory +

This course aims primarily at practical training in translation from Arabic into Russian, and is limited to political texts such as articles, news, and political speeches, through which students are introduced to the terminological and stylistic characteristics followed in this field. In parallel, this course reviews the issues and problems that the translator faces, with the aim of training students to avoid them. The student is introduced to free literal and professional translation and the limits of the translator’s freedom of action. In this chapter, the student is also introduced to computer applications in translation, the Russian language, and the problems of machine translation and their impact on translation. This chapter aims to train the student in a deeper analysis of the text by extracting and retrieving information, lexical analysis of words, as well as identifying linguistic patterns and techniques for extracting information behind the lines and data, if any, and analyzing links, connections, and all relationships. Guidance on ways to create a database or index of the extracted information.

RU 327 Literature 1 02 Compulsory +

The course aims to introduce the student to the importance of Russian literature in learning the Russian language because it exudes the spirit of the Russian citizen and reflects all aspects of life in great Russian literature. The student learns about the history of the stages of Russian literature, its societal role, and its regional and global status. The scientific material is presented in various literary texts, reflecting the stages of its history and the history of writers and poets who had the most prominent imprint.

RU 326 Methods 2 02 Compulsory +

The course aims to delve deeper into the different linguistic methods and train the student in these methods by increasing the volume of work and focusing on expanding the student’s repertoire of vocabulary and terminology used in each method. The diversity of the material presented is the basis for intensifying work with linguistic methods.

RU 325 Vocabulary 1 02 Compulsory +

The course aims to introduce the student to the structure of the word in the Russian language, the formation of the word and its derivations, the mechanism and various methods of derivation. Identify synonyms, antonyms, use of prefixes, suffixes, etc.

RU 324 Text analysis 1 02 Compulsory +

This course aims to train the student in a deeper analysis of the text by extracting and retrieving information, lexical analysis of words, as well as identifying linguistic patterns and techniques for extracting information behind the lines and data, if any, and analyzing links, connections, and all relationships. Guidance on ways to create a database or index of the extracted information.

RU 322 Phonetics 02 Compulsory +

The course aims to introduce the student to the problems of the Arab student’s understanding of learning the Russian language related to phonetics and their treatment. It is concerned with introducing the student to the different situations, prohibitions on pronouncing when some letters meet, pronunciation problems, etc.

RU 321 Grammatical Structures 2 04 Compulsory +

In this course, the student learns about Russian grammar, its divisions, and rules, as well as phrases and sentences and their types, how to deal with sentences, ways to classify sentences, the changes they take, differences between sentences, and the structural semantics of sentences.

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
RU 401 Linguistics 2 02 Compulsory +

This course aims to present the study of the contemporary Russian language from the foundations of linguistic word structure and its forms in terms of status and connotation of partial meanings. Its goal: to avoid mistakes in understanding positive meanings, to understand what a Russian speaker understands as terminology, to be aware of this information, to be fluent and eloquent in expression, and to be able to be artistic in speech and clarify meanings.

RU 402 Vocabulary 2 02 Compulsory +

This course aims to present the study of the contemporary Russian language from the foundations of linguistic word structure and its forms in terms of status and connotation of partial meanings. Its goal: to avoid mistakes in understanding positive meanings, to understand what a Russian speaker understands as terminology, to be aware of this information, to be fluent and eloquent in expression, and to be able to be artistic in speech and clarify meanings.

RU 403 Translation 3 02 Compulsory +

The curriculum aims to provide practical training in advanced translation from Arabic to Russian and vice versa. The scientific material is presented in different texts. Legal, scientific, technical, literary, religious. Through it, the student learns about the use of different and specialized dictionaries and alerts the student to the importance of distinguishing between the terminological and stylistic characteristics that pertain to each field.

RU 404 Research Methodology 02 Compulsory +

A course offered to the student close to his graduation and aims to direct the student to the importance of scientific research in every specialty for any student. With his graduation, he places his foot on the first academic degrees, as he must now understand the concept of scientific research. The course presents a set of preliminary data about scientific research, its importance, methodology and elements. The student is presented with terminology related to the research, such as the research problem, its goal, its topic, etc. The student is introduced to the customs used in copyright, quotation, the concept of theft, etc. It guides the student on how to choose topics, construct and write research, collect scientific material, index and sources. The course aims to direct the efforts of the new researcher so that it shortens his research time, reduces assignment and effort, and pushes him to choose research that is useful to his community or university and is an addition worthy of being described as scientific research.

RU 405 Literature 2 02 Compulsory +

The course aims to introduce the student to the importance of Russian literature in learning the Russian language because it exudes the spirit of the Russian citizen and reflects all aspects of life in great Russian literature. The student learns about the history of the stages of Russian literature, its societal role, and its regional and global status. The scientific material is presented in various literary texts, reflecting the stages of its history and the history of writers and poets who had the most prominent imprint.

RU 423 Terminology and Dictionaries 02 Compulsory +

An auxiliary and complementary material, as its course aims to give an overview of the importance of terminology, as a type of specific and agreed-upon expression as a term. When and how to use it, history of origin and importance with different style patterns. Providing examples of uses of the term in types of translation, especially scientific, technical, and economic, in an effort to expand the student’s memory in memorizing it so that he can use it when he needs it. The course also aims to introduce the student to the different linguistic dictionaries: Arabic-Arabic/Russian-Arabic/Russian-Russian/and Arabic-Russian. And specialized dictionaries, such as the Dictionary of Popular Proverbs and the Dictionary of Technical Terms. The course aims to train in the use of all dictionaries, in order to benefit correctly and quickly. The course includes an introduction to the use of electronic dictionaries and modern applications in the field of translation, and an indication of their importance and shortcomings.

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
RU 422 Professional Applications 02 Compulsory +

The course aims to crystallize the academic outcome of the “graduate” student. The first part of the course focuses on reviewing the student’s competence in translating to and from the Russian language, while the second part is concerned with developing performance and training in advanced types of translation such as sequential, perspective, dual, and simultaneous. This course aims to acquaint the student with the requirements of the labor market and guide him to the reasons for success in it by introducing him to the linguistic, cultural and psychological problems that affect accurate transmission and the translator’s enthusiasm, thus confirming his success by being precise and adhering to the appropriate and required speed.

RU 424 Graduation Project 02 Compulsory +

The course aims to develop and evaluate students' translation abilities by assigning them to translate materials from Russian into Arabic and vice versa. The evaluation aims to identify the extent to which the student has benefited from the practical exercises and theoretical studies of translation that he received in previous courses. The project reflects the student’s abilities in analysis and translation at all levels: semantic, stylistic, and linguistic. The project places at the forefront of its priorities the selection of the topic of the book proposed for translation. Meaning that the translated work serves the college, university, or community.