Bachelor in Tourism studies

University of Tripoli - Department of Tourism Studies



1- To prepare a qualified graduate in tourism science after qualifying him with specialized, secondary and elective courses to join the labor market in the Tourism Authority, tourist offices, airports and tourist guides.

2- - To prepare graduate to join the postgraduate program.

3- To build the ability to conduct scientific research and hold conferences and seminars that contribute to achieve the development in the tourism sector.

4- - To develope the capabilities of innovation, creativity and teamwork among students of the Department of Tourism Studies for community service.


1- Identifying the tourism potentials in Libya.

2- The graduate have the skills of one of the two optional languages (French and Italian)

3- The graduate should have skills to think creatively in all tourism fields.

4- The graduate acquires the ability to prepare the necessary scientific reports and conduct questionnaires to find out the public opinion on tourism issues.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor's degree in Tourism Studies.

Entry Reuirements

1. The  applicants should obtain a general secondary certificate, a specialized secondary certificate, or an equivalent certificate recognized by the authority.

 2. The high school diploma should not be less than the percentage determined by the University of Tripoli.

3. Acceptance of admission of foreign students with scholarships at the expense of the community in accordance with the principles and rules that decide the admission of Libyan students.

 4. International  applicants have to pay the fees and expenses of studying according to legislation of the university.

5. The  applicants should be healthy, free from infectious diseases, and able to follow theoretical and practical lessons.

6. Successfully passing the personal interview.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Tourism studies prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Tourism studies. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 126 units, which include 16 units of general subjects, and 70 major units, 4 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
RT1251 History of islamic civilisation 01 General +

TUS1317 Introduction to tourism 03 Compulsory +

∙ The course aims to clarify the concept of tourism with a review of its origin and development ∙ Clarifying the motives of travel and tourism and focusing on the importance of tourism activity and the various classifications that define tourism as a human phenomenon, and clarifying the relationship between tourism science and other sciences ∙ Identify the tourism activity in Libya in particular and introduce the recent trends in the tourism industry in general.

TUS1430 Principles of statistics 02 Compulsory +

TUS1575 Italian language 1 02 Compulsory +

Know the alphabet of the Italian language and how to sperm them. ∙ The student should be able to pronounce consonants and vowels. ∙ To recognize masculine, feminine, plural and singular words. ∙ Understanding and using personal pronouns and verbs of help The act of being, ownership and simple actions in daily activity enables the student to introduce himself and his daily activity. ∙ Motivating the student to introduce himself and his daily activity.

UT1101 Arabic language 1 02 University requirement +

UT1110 English language 1 02 University requirement +

Learn about the basics of the English language, letters and numbers❖ Learn to read affirmative and negative sentences and use short-answer and detailed questions❖ Learn about the use of the simple present tense, the use of prescribed prepositions, and new vocabulary and semi-sentence phrases (words and phrases).❖ Learn about ways to read time, days, months, and parts of the day

RT1250 General psychology 01 General +

TA1570 French language 1 02 Compulsory +

RT1253 Geography of Libya 01 General +

∙ Identify the name and meaning of the geography of the Libyan territory ∙ Recognize the importance of teaching and the objectives of this subject . .Identify the economic, cultural, social and tourism importance of this article

RT1252 Islamic culture 01 General +

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
UT2102 Arabic language 2 02 University requirement UT1101 +

UOT112012 Computer I 02 University requirement +

∙ Knowledge of the physical and moral composition and components of the computer. ∙ Reporting ∙ Study some topics such as viruses, networks and information security. ∙ On the practical side, learn the basic principles of computer operation and use. ∙ Using the printing program (Microsoft word))

TUS2576 Italian language 2 02 Compulsory TUS1575 +

The student should be able to talk about his daily life. ∙ That the student can know how to invite others to do something. ∙ The student should know the use of numbers and numbers and how to tell about time. ∙ How to write letters (formal and informal) ) .

TUS2571 French language 2 02 Compulsory TA1570 +

TUS2455 Ancient Libya 02 Compulsory +

TUS2440 Human resource management tourism 02 Compulsory +

TUS2431 Principles of economics 02 Compulsory TUS1430 +

This course aims to study the concept of economics, micro and macroeconomics, the economic problem, demand theory, demand schedule and curve, supply theory, supply schedule and curve, change in supply and demand, marginal and total utility, production theory, cost theory, models of markets, money and banking.

TUS2405 Principles of Management 02 Compulsory TA4403 +

∙ The course aims to define that management as a science is the basis on which the success of organizations depends in all areas of business (industrial or service) and whatever organizations have material, human and technological resources will not achieve their goals except by efficient management. ∙ Also identify the importance of management, especially with the large size of organizations and the increase in the number of their employees. ∙ Also drawing and clarifying the features of the administrative pyramid and the administrative division of departments in line with the tasks entrusted to them, ∙ As well as identifying the manager, his skills and functions (planning, organization, guidance and control) as well as identifying the development of administrative thought and the most important schools such as the classical and bureaucratic school and also the school of human relations.

TUS2318 Tourist theory 02 Compulsory TUS1317 +

Knowing the concept of theory, its functions and steps, dealing with the science of tourism like other sciences subject to theories on a scientific basis. ∙ Also knowing the relationship of the human sciences with the phenomenon of tourism, such as geography, management science and sociology. ∙ Knowing the steps of scientific research in succession in order and formulating them scientifically

TUS2306 Geographically tourist 02 Compulsory RT1253 +

The course aims to study the subject of the relationship of tourism geography. ∙ Supply and demand aspects in tourism geography and international tourism. ∙ Environmental impacts resulting from the tourism industry such as the tourism geography of Libya.

UT2111 English language 2 02 University requirement UT1110 +

Identify the basics of composing simple affirmative and negative grammatical sentences using different uses of the subject, predicate, verb, and subject.❖ Learn to use the present simple to talk about favorite things❖ Identify the verb (can), how to use it, and the synonyms used with it❖ Identifying the simple past tense and its use in negative and affirmative sentences and the question with the verb of being and basic verbs, identifying synonyms associated with the past tense, feeling verbs and ways to use them, and using the future tense and synonyms accompanying it.

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
TUS3307 Tourism and the environment 02 Compulsory TUS1317 +

∙ Providing students theoretically with the importance of ecotourism ∙ Acquisition of a set of strategic objectives for ecotourism. ∙ Introducing them to the relationship of eco-tourism. ∙ Preparing research on the tourist areas in Libya environmentally

TUS3319 Tourist guides 02 Compulsory TUS1317 +

∙ Introducing the tourist guide and guide. ∙ Identify the rights and duties of the tour guide and tourist. ∙ Identify the concepts and terms used in tourist guidance.

TUS3360 Social tourism Science 02 Compulsory +

A.1 Identify the concept of tourism and travel A.2 Learn about the relationship between tourism and the social sciences A.3 The impact of tourism on society A.4 International tourist and its impact on society and the environment.

TUS3391 Antiquities and museums tourist 02 Compulsory RT1251 +

The course aims to introduce archeology and museology and its importance in the field of tourism ∙ The student gets acquainted with the basics of archaeological design and the most important functions of the museum ∙ One of the objectives of the course is to know the student's tourist places and sites

UOT212112 Computer II 02 University requirement +

∙ Know the precedence of arithmetic operations and how to convert from a mathematical formula to a computer language and vice versa. ∙ Using the spreadsheet program (Microsoft excel)). ∙ Perform some calculations such as finding the sum, the greatest, the smallest value and the average. ∙ How to convert tables to statistical charts.

TUS3412 English language 3 (conversation) 02 Compulsory UT2111 +

TUS3432 Tourism marketing principles 02 Compulsory TUS2431 +

∙ Introduce students to some basic concepts, principles and terminology in the field of marketing. ∙ Preparing and qualifying students towards further study in the field of tourism marketing. Developing students' skills in understanding some practices and applications in the field of tourism marketing.

TUS3441 Front office management 02 Compulsory +

A.1 Creating qualified human cadres capable of engaging in the tourism and hotel sector. A.2 Creating human cadres capable of achieving satisfaction among tourists with the level of tourism services provided to them. ∙ . A.3 Introducing the student to the front office departments and their relationship with each other.

TUS3572 French language 3(conversation) 02 Compulsory TUS2571 +

TUS3577 Italian language 3 (conversation) 03 Compulsory TUS2576 +

How to spend leisure time . ∙ Conjugation of non-standard verbs ∙ Simple prepositions. ∙ Use of service acts. ∙ Use royal pronouns.

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
TA4336 Tourism planning 03 Compulsory +

∙ The student will be able to understand and know the definitions and meanings related to tourism planning. . ∙ Introducing the student to planning and managing tourist destinations . ∙ Know and understand the importance of planning in supporting sustainable development processes . The student's knowledge of how to measure the costs and return on investment of tourism planning projects.

TUS4397 Tourist information systems 02 Compulsory +

∙ Know the types of databases and types of tourism information systems. ∙ Using Microsoft Access). ∙ Preparing the information system and knowing its components (tables, queries, forms, reports). ∙ Some study cases such as the tourist office system or study and exams.

TUS4578 Italian language IV 02 Compulsory TUS2576 +

How to write letters. ∙ Prepositions defined by definitives. ∙ Auditory comprehension and use and respond to terms of thanks. ∙ Use royal pronouns. ∙ Recognize advanced linguistic sentences.

TA4480 Public relations tourism 02 Compulsory +

∙ Introducing the student to the concept of public relations management ∙ Providing the student with the rules and foundations of public relations management. ∙ Introducing the student to how to communicate with tourists

TA4413 English language 4 (correspondence and practical applications) 02 Compulsory TA3412 +

TA4403 Search methods 02 Compulsory +

∙ Learn how to get information ∙ Recognize the reading, interpretation, and presentation of information ∙ How to use information and data systems ∙ How to use, analyze and extract statistical methods

TA4393 Media and tourism advertising 02 Compulsory +

Acquire advertising skills. ∙ Distinguish between advertising, media and advertising. ∙ It explains the relationship of advertising to both the marketing mix and the promotional mix.

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
TUS5394 Studies and research in tourist markets 02 Compulsory +

Definition of the importance of marketing research for business organizations and tourism organizations. ∙ Clarify the basic concepts and stages of marketing research. ∙ Identify the scientific method of marketing research. Marketing research methods and data collection methods. ∙ Know the types of samples and how to choose the right sample for research. Ability to analyze data and extract

TA5377 The economics of tourism industry 03 Compulsory +

∙ Providing the student with knowledge, skills and positive trends related to the tourism industry and its hidden effects on the national economy. ∙ Provide the student with information about the concept of tourism and the tourist ∙ Teach him how to identify an economic problem and how to solve it

TA5314 English Language 5 02 Compulsory +

TA5381 Tourist protocol and etiquette 02 Compulsory +

The course aims to study the subject of introducing students to the concept and importance of tourist etiquette. ∙ Introducing the skills necessary to prepare and organize meeting sessions in the restaurant and seminarsDeepening knowledge and developing the skills of individuals in the practice and application of etiquette and protocol. ∙ Clarify the relationship between international etiquette and protocol rules and the principles and fundamentals of Islamic culture, Arab customs, traditions and morals.

TA5392 Heritage bypass traditional industries 02 Compulsory +

∙ Provides demand for valuable information on traditional industries and their types ∙ Instilling in the minds of students the preservation of the heritage and these traditional industries ∙ Work on fair competition between regions in highlighting their habit ∙ The student's knowledge of the most important places of traditional industries and crafts

TA5442 Hardware and tourist organizations 02 Compulsory TA2318 +

∙ introducing international organizations in the field of tourism. ∙ Knowledge of the types of international tourism organizations (governmental and non-governmental) ∙ Identify regional tourism organizations and bodies, and the most important regulations, laws and directives of the Civil Aviation Authority in the countries of the world.

TA5461 The psychology of clients 02 Compulsory +

∙ Achieving the greatest possible psychological satisfaction for tourists, workers and hosts in tourism. ∙ The ability to achieve tourist attractions. ∙ Providing the best tourism services in number and quality. ∙ Understand the cultural and psychological patterns of the work group, such as attitudes and norms.

TA5464 Accounting tourism companies 02 Compulsory +

This course aims to study the branches of accounting, their functions, accounting principles, the income statement, the balance sheet, assets, liabilities, and property rights, and to study the impact of financial operations on the budget equation and the accounting system for individual tourism companies, private companies, capital companies, and limited liability companies, and study tourism spending and costs and the liquidation of tourism companies.

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
TA6390 Tourist crisis management 02 Compulsory TA3319 +

A.1 Identify the concept of crisis management. A.2 Identify the crises facing tourism in Libya. A.3 Access to crisis management proposals.

TA6396 Regions of the world tourism 02 Compulsory +

∙ Learn about the different types of tourism. ∙ Understand the importance of tourism activity and its role in raising the level of national income ∙ Forward with the elements of natural and human geography Recognize the relationship between geography and tourismExplore and infer different tourist regions.

TUS6395 Organizing exhibitions and conferences tourism 03 Compulsory +

Identify the concept of exhibitions and conferences. ∙ Identify the economic importance of the exhibitions and conferences sector . ∙ Identify the types of exhibitions and conferences. Learn about the most important steps to hold exhibitions and conferences. Learn about the most important steps to hold exhibitions and conferences .

TUS5565 Cultural antervologgio 02 Elective UT1110 +

∙ Identify the most important scientific concepts related to the study of human cultures, on the fields of study of cultural anthropology. ∙ Identify the similarities and differences between human beings in general, whether in the past or the present, with a focus on the customs, traditions, beliefs and cultural symbols according to which human beings everywhere are present. ∙ Recognize the anthropological meaning of culture ∙ Identify the most important concepts and theories that explain all cultures and are useful in knowing the essence of human behavior, its diversity and its ability to change and adapt to circumstances.

TA6365 Tourism legislation 03 Compulsory +

A.1 Learn about tourism legislation. A.2 Identify the laws and legislation related to tourism. A.3 Acquire full knowledge of the regulations in force in tourism. A.4 Employing laws to serve the tourism sector.

TA6363 Field Training 1 02 Compulsory +

TA6338 Tourism development 03 Compulsory +

A.1 The student should be familiar with tourism development plans A.2 Follow-up, implementation and evaluation of development plans A.3 Developing Caleb knowledge about the future of tourism in Libya

TA6315 English Language 6 02 Compulsory TA5314 +

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
TA7484 Management of tourist sites 02 Compulsory +

∙ Introducing the student to the concept of the tourist site. ∙ Identify the importance of social factors in the design of tourist resorts. ∙ Learn the basics of choosing a tourist site. ∙ Introducing the student to the importance of studying the functional relations of the tourist site.

TUS5547 Domestic and international tourism 02 Elective UT1110 +

Identify the most important elements of tourist attractions within each city. Learn about work to raise the economic level of workers in the field of tourism. Learn how to reach different cultures and types of domestic and international tourist destinations. Contributes to raising awareness and culture among members of society and analyzing the movement of international tourism to the most important countries

TA7404 Search hall 02 Compulsory TA4403 +

. Learn how to get information ∙ Recognize the reading, interpretation, and presentation of information ∙ How to use information and data systems ∙ How to use, analyze and extract statistical methods

TA7390 Tourism statistics 02 Compulsory +

∙ Recognize the importance of tourism statistics and hotels ∙ Stand on the way to display tourism data and information ∙ Discover ways to extract hotel occupancy ∙ Access to future forecasts for tourism traffic

TA7364 Field training 2 04 Compulsory TA6363 +

Providing students with many skills and experiences before graduation. ∙ Provide the student with the opportunity to link the theoretical sciences he received with the functional reality. ∙ Reviewing the requirements of the labor market and opening channels of cooperation between the department and the tourist authorities.

TA7339 A feasibility study tourism projects 02 Compulsory +

∙ Providing the student with the basics of feasibility studies and evaluation of projects . ∙ Introducing the student to the important parties in feasibility studies . ∙ Introducing the student related to feasibility studies with feasibility studies . Training the student to prepare feasibility studies models for a sample of projects

TA7309 Desert tourism 02 Compulsory +

The aim of the desert tourism course is to identify the geography of the desert ∙ The student also learns about the topography of the desert, types of sand, how to deal with each type of it, as well as places of attraction for tourists in desert areas near the financial flats ∙ Also, the student's knowledge of the type of tourism appropriate to the nature of the desert and its sand dunes, as well as the study of the regions and the desert climate and its impact on attracting tourists.

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
TA8399 Graduation project 04 Compulsory +

∙ This course aims to apply and implement the knowledge and skills acquired by the student during his studies of the specialized courses prior to the graduation project, in the implementation of an archaeological project with an innovative creative idea within a team until the completion of the project in its final form.It is the improvement and development of the department's meeting to complete the graduation project and convert the theoretical into practical (models) inside the corridor and halls to consolidate the full picture and to deliver the creative tourist idea to the visitor, guest and new students.

TA8396 Management of companies and tourist facilities 02 Compulsory +

∙ The course aims to identify the basic principles of managing tourism companies as well as the objectives of management as an organizational structure in tourism companies, as well as knowledge of how to market tourism activities as an administrative task. ∙ Also introducing the marketing mix and developing tourism projects. ∙ As well as studying some cases of major tourism companies and knowing how to address some matters related to administrative errors

TA8383 Resent trends in tourism 02 Compulsory TA7339 +

∙ Identify recent trends in tourism. ∙ Identify recent trends in tourism. ∙ Gain full knowledge about recent trends in tourism. ∙ Employing directions on tourists. ∙ The student knows how to make tourism in light of globalization.

TA8382 E-tourism 02 Compulsory +

∙ Learn about e-tourism. ∙ Knowledge of modern technologies in the field of e-tourism. ∙ Gain a complete idea on the computer and its importance in electronic reservation. ∙ Employing e-tourism in tourism in general.

TA8339 Tourism transport 02 Compulsory TA4336 +