Bachelor in Plant Protection

University of Tripoli - Department of Plant Protection



 In the early years of the establishment of faculty of Agriculture 1966, specialized sciences related to plant diseases and protection were limited to a few courses taught within the Department of Plant Production, which include: basics of plant diseases, mycology, entomology, and pest control. Independence of  Department of Plant Protection and the study program was established in 1978. It includes two major areas, namely: ·        Plant diseases·        Entomology


The Department of Plant Protection goal is to study plant pathogens and plant pest in a scientific manner aimed at protecting crops from infection or mitigating its effects in a way that guarantees sustainable cultivation, without disturbing the ecosystem. In order to achieve these aspirations, the specialist in the field of plant protection receives, in addition to theoretical lessons, practical training in the field or laboratory in many areas related to specialization aiming for undergraduate education of high quality in the field of integrated plant pest and disease management.


By passing all courses, graduate students will be able to:1.     The use of agricultural sciences and their applications in the field of plant protection (insect pests + plant diseases).2.     Participate in decision-making and contribute to the management and management of private and governmental agricultural projects to maintain the quality of production3.     Participate in playing the role of a link between educational and research institutions (represented by universities, higher institutes, and agricultural research centers) on the one hand, and the agricultural community on the other hand.4.     The use of modern techniques in diagnosing and controlling plant pests, as well as modern methods in the field of honey bee breeding.5.     Development of  research and studies on pests, pathogens, and methods of prevention



By completing all the requirements for success in the program, the graduate will be able to:

A. Knowledge & Understand:

A1. Identify agricultural pests and know their types and methods of controlling them.A2. Get acquainted with the various administrative and technical processes in designing agricultural projects aimed at serving the community and meeting the needs of the labor market.A3. Get acquainted with the various research fields related to plant protection, agricultural pests, plant pathogens, their types, and application of integrated methods of management.A4. Determine the methods of solving problems faced by farmers and beekeepers and the best ways to prevent and treat pests.A5. Demonstrates how to develop pest and disease control programs and programs to benefit from beneficial insects.B. Mental Skills:B1. Recognizes and relate diagnostic symptoms to certain pathogens and pests and  non-diagnostic symptoms. B2. Proposes various administrative and technical processes in designing agricultural projects aimed at serving the community and meeting the needs of the labor market.B3. Connects different research fields related to plant protection.B4. Discusses how to find alternative solutions to problems and overcome them.B5. Suggests ways to develop pest control programs by conducting laboratory and field experiments.C. Practical & professional skills:C1. Various methods are used in the diagnosis of plant diseases and pests.C2. Designs agricultural projects aimed at serving the community and meeting the needs of the labor market.C3. Apply scientific methods to write research papers and benefit from them in practical fields.C4. Apply  methods of breeding and improving honey bee breeds and how to deal with its various pests.C5. Develop programs to control pests and pathogens and methods of prevention.D. Generic and transferable skills:D1. Developing interactive communication skills with others.D2. Manages the laboratory and uses devices and modern technology in diagnosing plant diseases and identifying pests.D3. Works effectively within a team that highlights his abilities in his field.D4. Writes scientific reports and articles, and prepares oral presentations.D5. Adheres to the specified time.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor degree in Agricultural sciences_ Plant Protection

Entry Reuirements

For admission to the Bachelor `s degree at the Faculty of Agriculture, the following is required:

1. The academic grade of the student in the previous educational stage of the program must be at least good.

2. The student should undergo an admission test and a personal interview (if the institution deems it).

3. General Scientific Certificate of Secondary Education or Certificate of agricultural high schools and institutes.

4. Fluency in Arabic for non-native speakers.

5. In the case of any change in the admission requirements, the new requirements will apply to new applicants only.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Plant Protection prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Plant Protection . The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 151 units, which include 42 units of general subjects, and 67 major units, 22 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AR1012 02 General +

PH1123 General Physics 03 University requirement +

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
PLP1024 Botany 04 General +

This course deals with the study of a historical overview of the development of plant sciences, methods of nutrition in plants, methods of reproduction, plant nomenclature, systems for dividing and classifying groups of plants, prokaryotes, their general characteristics, and groups followed by bacteria. ((Mycoplasma and Rickettsia)) Eukaryotes, their general characteristics and importance, and their different groups, fungi: their general characteristics, importance and different groups, lichens, root fungi, viruses, viroids: their general characteristics and importance, ferns: their characteristics, methods of reproduction and typical examples.

AR1022 02 General AR1012 +

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
SW1003 General Microbiology (Theoretical) 03 Compulsory +

The general microbiology course describes the diversity of microorganisms, the structure and function of bacterial cells, and also describes microbial growth and metabolism. Methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms by physical and chemical means are also addressed. This course also describes the basic genetic systems of bacteria, bacteriophages, and plasmids. During this course, the student will learn the role of microorganisms in food production and preservation, and their ability to cause food borne infections. This course also aims to teach students how to use beneficial microorganisms in agricultural, industrial and environmental applications.

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
HO2403 Vegetable crops production 03 Elective HO1004 +

This course is essential in the vegetable study section. The student will recognize number of elements: Nutritional - economic importance of vegetable crops, types of vegetable farms - methods of preserving vegetables, conditions necessary for the success of vegetable cultivation, division of vegetable crops - agricultural cycle and its importance, weather factors and their effect on vegetables - Salinity, effect of soil, soil types, relationship of soil and water to plants, fertilization -- Nutrients and their effect on vegetables Fertilization methods - Irrigation - methods of propagation - sex - and vegetative - methods of harvesting and handling, and finally, study number of vegetable crops

ST 2004 04 General +

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
PP3203 Phytopathogenic nematode 03 Compulsory PP3133 +

The student studies during this semester; Economic importance of nematodes, losses resulting from nematodes, evaluation of cultivars grown in the field, diagnosis of plant diseases caused by nematodes, some diseases caused by nematodes, mechanism of disease occurrence, compound disease, Nematode control

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
SW1001 General Microbiology (Practical) 01 Compulsory BO1024 +

The practical microbiology course is concerned with introducing the student to the laboratory devices and equipment used in the microbiology laboratory, and how to use a light microscope to observe microorganisms. During this course, the student will test sterilization methods in microbiological procedures, and how to isolate and grow bacteria and fungi on growth media. The student also learns how to diagnose the general morphological features of different microorganisms.

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
PP2014 Principles of Plant Pathology 04 Compulsory +

PP3303 Field Crop Diseases 03 Compulsory +

Definition of pathogens associated with field crops, use available methods, using scientific methods to prevent the crop from infection.

PP3133 Principles of Nematology 03 Compulsory PP2004 +

The student studies during this semester; Introduction and definition of nematodes, different groups of nematodes, study of the external form and internal structure of nematodes, methods of reproduction and feeding, life cycle of nematodes, environmental factors affecting the activity of nematodes, Taxonomy of nematodes, compound disease, Nematode control.

PP3123 Plant Disease Control 03 Compulsory PP2014 +

This course deals with the basic concepts of disease control, targets, theoretical foundations of control and practical procedures followed, the effect of control methods on population density of pathogens over time, disease control by agricultural, natural and biological methods. Chemical control: seed treatment, soil treatment, treatment of growing plants, post-harvest disease control. Integrated plant disease management

PP3113 Methods in plant pathology 04 Compulsory +

developing mental and practical information in the field of fungi and developing skill discussing scientific research on fungi, familiarity with the role of fungi in various disciplines, especially agricultural, knowledge of plant fungal pathogen, familiarity with practical methods for identifying plant pathogenic fungal species.

PP3073 Insects of horticulture crops 03 Compulsory +

Taxonomy, insect description, life cycle, methods of infection, control of important insects that effect on olive trees, palm, citrus, grapes, stone fruits and vegetables in field.

PP3033 03 Compulsory +

Studying the emergence and development of bacteriology), the components of the bacterial cell, the importance of bacterial plant diseases, environmental conditions affecting the growth of pathogenic bacteria, physiological processes and disease cycle, techniques and methods used in the diagnosis and identification of bacteria, classification of prokaryotes and naming of Eu-, Actino- and Fastidious bacteria, Methods of survival and spread of plant pathogenic bacteria, methods of entry and growth of plant pathogenic bacteria in host tissues, chemicals and factors contributing to the occurrence of infection in the host, effect of pathogenic bacteria on plant functions, practical: a study of the most important bacterial diseases in Libya and methods of diagnosis and control.

PP2184 04 Compulsory +

PP2144 Taxonomy of insects 03 Compulsory PP1014 +

The course explore the importance of insect taxonomy, Systematic methods and principles. The lectures addresses a number of specific topics including: the general principles of systematics, history of insect classification, construction and use of identification tools (the process of Taxonomy: specimen capture and preparation, cataloguing, digitizing and data publication), nomenclature, and the evolutionary history of the orders of hexapods.

PP2133 03 Compulsory +

PP2093 Insect of field crops and store product 03 Compulsory PP1014 +

Insect pests, their origin and found, distribution, factors that increase the pest, type of pests, methods that used to solve the problems caused by them, classification, description and life cycle of important pests of field crops and stored products. Primary and secondary pests affecting cereal grains, legumes, dates and their products in stores, as well as methods of identifying insect infestations in stored grain and its products, and methods of control used. (Laboratory projects) Practical: Field visits, collection and identification of important pests and their natural enemies; detection and estimation of infestation and losses in different crops.

PP2024 General Plant Pathology 04 Elective +

During his studies, the student will learn about the introduction and history of plant diseases, the definition of disease, symptoms and signs. The influence of environmental factors on the spread of plant diseases. Parasitism, disease development, epidemiology and weather forecasts, examples of some common plant diseases in Libya, resistance to plant diseases, how to manage plant diseases within the integrated pest management program.

PP2004 Phytopathogenic Fungi 04 Compulsory +

developing mental and practical information in the field of fungi and developing skill discussing scientific research on fungi, familiarity with the role of fungi in various disciplines, especially agricultural, knowledge of plant fungal pathogen, familiarity with practical methods for identifying plant pathogenic fungal species.

PP1043 Plant Virology 03 Compulsory +

The aim of this course is to educate students on the economic importance of viruses to humans, science and to the ecosystem. The lectures will focus on various aspects of virus biology including: virus Characteristics, anatomy and physiology, life history, behavior, ecology and the taxonomy of all major viruses and the method of diagnosis, transition، and the method of control

PP1014 Entomology 04 Compulsory +

The aim of this course is to educate students on the economic importance of insects to humans, science and to the ecosystem. The lectures will focus on various aspects of insect biology including: insect Characteristics, anatomy and physiology, life history, behavior, ecology and the taxonomy of all major insect orders

PP 3333 03 Compulsory PP3323 +

PP 3313 Diseases of horticultural crops 03 Compulsory PP2014 +

Studying the importance of diseases of horticultural crops, a review of principles of plant diseases, horticultural diseases: classification of their causes, disease cycle, methods of diagnosis of horticultural diseases, the role of survival and spread, methods of entry and growth of the pathogen on the host in the occurrence of symptoms and signs produced by pathogens on horticultural crops, the role of Pathogen materials and environmental factors contributing to the occurrence of infection and disease, its effect on the functions of horticultural crops, methods of controlling diseases of horticultural crops.

PP3323 03 Compulsory +

PP3353 Apiculture 03 Compulsory +

The course deals with the taxonomy of bee species, the internal and external anatomy of honey bee, morphological specialization and division of labor between members of the colony, the internal and external tasks of the worker, reproduction and the life cycle of honey bee, behavior, communication between members of the colony, swarming, migration, thermoregulation of the colony, and nutrition in Honey bee, diseases, pests, and predators of honey bee.

PP3911 03 Compulsory +

PP3994 04 Compulsory +

03 not defined CS 1024 PP2004 +